"अंधेरे से दोस्ती की, तन्हाई ने साथ दिया, तुम ढूँढते रहो .ख़ुदा बाहर, मैंने अपने अन्दर ही .ख़ुदा ढूँढ
लिया।” मैं आपके बीच का ही एक नवयुवक हूँ जो हर मनुष्य की तरह भौतिक सुख की लालसा रखता है।
सुख और सफलता हमारा जन्म सिद्ध अधिकार है। आज जहाँ पूरी दुनिया आध्यात्मिक सुख ढूँढने में लगी है,
मैं पहले भौतिक सुख प्राप्त करने की पैरवी करता हूँ। मैं यह बात प्रखरता से मानता हूँ कि भौतिक सुख के
बिना आध्यात्मिक सुख की बात वैसी ही होगी जैसे आप किसी भूखे व्यक्ति को भोजन न देकर, ज्ञान देने
लग जायें। यह बिल्कुल भी व्यावहारिक नहीं है। भौतिक सुख और आध्यात्मिक सुख, आपके भीतर
विद्यमान परमात्मा या .ख़ुदा आप जो भी नाम दें, को जाने बिना नहीं मिल सकता और परमात्मा या .ख़ुदा
को आप तब तक नहीं जान सकते जब तक आप अपने मन की नहीं सुनते और आप अपने मन की तब
तक नहीं सुन सकते जब तक आप पूरी तरह से जाग न गये हों और आप तब तक नहीं जाग सकते जब
तक की कोई जगाने वाला न हो या आप .ख़ुद अपने आप न जाग जायें और आप जागे हुये तब माने जायेंगे
जब आपके जीवन से सारे द्वन्द समाप्त हो जायें। बस, मेरी कविताओं का मकसद आपको जगाना और द्वन्द
मिटाना है। सूखी लकड़ियाँ .ख़ुद ब .ख़ुद जल जायें तो बहुतखूब, वरना आग लगाना मुझे आता है, सदियों
से पड़ा हो भले ही अंधकार, मुझे दिया जलाना आता है।” "
1- Is this your first poetic
book and from where did you got these inspirational topics for your poetry ?
Ans- Yes , this is my first poetic book. My outlook towards life
is very positive because i believe as a human being , success and happiness is
our birth right but due to chaos in outside world we never listen our inner
voice and get confused while making any decision in our life. But the moment ,
confusion removes from our mind , a human can achieve anything in his life.
When i saw children and youth confused about their life, i was feeling that i
should write something which can inspire them to know how powerful they are as
an individual. This was the inspiration behind to create these poetry. I have
used poetry because poems are easy to read and can be remembered for a longer
2- What has influenced you the
most as a writer ?
Ans- My inner voice always
compel me to write something so that some positive change can come in someone’s
Nothing can be better than a human body and it has got a
beautiful and most powerful instrument in it the Mind which has influenced me
the most as a writer. I want to tell my readers through my writings about the
power of our mind which unfortunately many of us do not know.
3- What does success
mean to you ? What is the definition of success?
Ans- For me success is all about creating our identity. How
world recognise us and world will recognise us by our talent only. Everybody is
gifted by nature here but we do not recognise that unique gift which we have
received from nature. We have to nurture that gift and contribute to the world
in which we live. We will be happy and successful only when we respect our
natural talent and make it as our career.
World should know us by our work whatever we do and we should do
only those things for which we have got talent.
We should stop following crowd. Crowd will not lead us anywhere.
This is the mantra for success in life.
4- How did you become
involved with the subject or theme of your book ?
Ans- As you see title of book is “Mera shatak” and shatak in
hindi is synonym of one hundred. This book is collection of my 100 poems and
each poem is full of energy & positive vibes. It has all elements of a
human life. It deals with human psychology, mind, body, soul, attachment,
death, salvation.
It says first attain physical needs then go for spiritual needs.
My book removes confusion
from a person mind as every human being is unique and gifted and can achieve
anything in life if he follows his mind,
inner voice, recognise his talent and becomes crystal clear in his
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